1. How long has Bubba Chenille been established for? I have been livin' the dream for about 18 months now.
2. What brand of sewing machine do you own? Janome sewing machine and Babylock overlocker
3. Tell us about your handmade products. I make childrens clothing, bags and purses, luggage tags, cushions and my best seller are my heat packs. All made from pre loved chenille and some cotton prints, new and vintage.
4. What markets do you regularly attend? The Handmade Expo every month (I have to!), Queens Park in Toowoomba sometimes, Brisstyle markets and this year I have been invited to attend Christmas in the Country in Gatton (6th and 7th November).
5. Do you sell your Bubba Chenille in any shops, local or interstate? I have a shop in Sydney I provide cushions, purses and hats and a chemist in Ipswich sells my heat packs.
6. Now, I know this is a hard question but if you could choose one favourite Handmadie, who would that be? Sorry, I have too many faves I couldn't poosibly do this!
7. What is your favourite colour? Hello ! I'm a girl ! Pink of course..
8. You are also one of the co-ordinators of The Handmade Expo (as am I), what is it that you most look forward to on Expo days? Shopping! Ok then, I enjoy seeing and catching up with all our stallholders, some have been with us for nearly a year, thats more than I see some of my family! And I am just soooo into handmade these days!
9. Who would you like to see fill out the Handmadie Questionnaire next? Maybe the Green Bag Lady, she's very inspirational!
10. Describe yourself in one sentence. A passionate HANDMADIE
11. Now… give yourself a plug… where can we find you, how can we contact you?? Well I have a website that Liesa is working on as we speak ! http://www.bubbachenille.com.au/ That will lead you to my blog and my etsy store and I have some things for sale on http://www.madeit.com.au/ or you can go direct to my blog to catch up with what I've been doing http://www.bubbachenille.blogspot.com/ My fave is markets though, I never thought it would be but there you have it. I try to make all my clothes one offs and slightly change styles regularly so no one gets bored! You can also find my things at Handmade Heaven in The Old Flour Mill in Ipswich.
Thank you Miriam (and Mum) for a little bit of insite into Bubba Chenille.
Keep your eye peeled for another Handmadie soon to be interviewed on my blog.
Cute Micky..Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteI am a massive fan.
ReplyDeleteAnd I promise to work very hard on your website today.
How on earth did you manage to score that interview!!!!???? You must be well connected. Lisa.